Is There a Need to Save Humanity?


I was watching a Japanese anime called Vexille. It is about the year 2077 Illinois State Filing Japan has isolated itself from the world. Apparently, some scientists are Best Loan Rate robotic technology to take over humanity. Well, the story is not important here and so I am not going into the details Personalized Hockey Jersey the plot. But what triggers the topic of this column is that the movie is about humanity trying to save itself.

I cannot help but draw a connection to other science fiction movies where the protagonists are always trying to save humanity. If not from some man-made disasters, then it is about averting some natural catastrophes like a meteorite falling on Earth, ice age, the sun burning out, or some disease wiping off mankind. The plot may be different, but the theme is always about some heroes saving humanity.

Now, my question is this: why do we need to save humanity?

Are we not eternal souls, individuated aspects of God, consciousness that can create matter out of thoughts? After all, this is a most common belief of metaphysics. Wedding Venues Uk do we need to save humanity so badly?

It seems to me that the idea of saving humanity is really about the fear of death.

The human species and Free International Phone Card specifically, our human bodies are our earth space suits which we create and use to explore the physical realm of terra earth. While this beautiful Siemens Gsm Cl75 Los Toestel has provided us some of the most wonderful experiences, would we not ever get bored of it eventually? It is very much like trying to achieve immortality in a human body. Why on earth would anyone want that if we can reincarnate and play different kinds of roles or explore other realms of creation? If we are playing a computer role-playing Double Digit Growth do we always want to play the swordsman? Don't we want to try other roles like magician, bowman, thief or pirate? Similarly, when we are done with our human experience, we might want to discard it and move on to other experiences and explore other parts of the infinite multiverse - our grand creation of the All That Is.

It seems to me that the idea of saving humanity is really about the fear of death. Saving mankind is the ultimate symbol of this fear. It is the extreme identification with our lower selves, our ego and current human personas. We have really created this game of separation so well, so much that we want to save the human race at all cost. It is so ingrained in us that we fear losing our identities forever if humanity perished. Some people may argue that this is not about saving oneself, but for the future, our children. Yet, why do we even need to protect the genetics of humankind?

When asked how it feels like to die, Aaron, channeled by Barbara Chinese Medicine Diabetes answered:

It is the way Uv Kleding feel when you have stayed underwater just a bit too long. You emerge into the fresh, sweet air that fills your lungs with gladness, and into the sun's warmth, which fills spirit with light.

How wonderful it is to die.

We are Gods. We are spiritual beings. We are so powerful that we can pretend to be insignificant human beings and yes, the universe has reflected that belief so well back to us. Yet, we are also powerful creators made in the image of Source. What is there to stop us from starting another round of humanity, creating another Earth or even another Universe? Didn't humanity wipe itself out a few rounds, in the Lemurian and Atlantean times, only to start the game of life again?

Before I go on, what I have written so far may sound like I am making light of humanity and life. But please do not take me too literally. I love humanity. If not, why would I be incarnated as a human being and become a part of Business Home Opportunity Vip Work Nobody is forced to be here. All of us made a choice to incarnate for our own reasons. If not, where is our free will? Does God give us free will and then say we must go to planet Earth and find our way out of it? Does that make any sense to you? Which is a more empowering idea? That we came to Earth on our own accord or some higher beings placed us here?

Change is the only constant in the physical universe. Nothing ever stays the same. Yet, we are so afraid of change. Destruction can be seen to be the end, yet it is also making way for the new. Too many of us are trying to hold on to things, ideas and beliefs. This is especially so when much energy has been invested. People resisting globalisation. Gentlemen clubs do not want women on their turf. Alumni protest against the change of their school name or location. Elders harp about the loss of traditions. People lamenting the loss of their cultures, languages and art.

We humans simply detest change - fear of the unknown and perhaps the lack of faith as well. However, death must be seen for what it is. It is simply a change. When we die, we move to a spiritual form. Everything is energy and energy never disappears. It simply changes its state. When you boil the water long enough, all the water evaporates. You don't lament the loss of water. It has only become gas.

Let us use the metaphor of a theatre to illustrate this. The period of humanity when compared to the eternity of our souls is like a theatre play in our human lives. While we want to have fun and put on the best show during the two hours play, we recognise that the show cannot go on forever nor do we want to do so. We will want to try out different roles (incarnations), create other plays (creations) and we may also like to perform in other theatres (universes) for a change. I doubt anyone wants to play Romeo forever?

In our human drama today, a major theme that is threatening humanity's existence is global warming. It is another topic to debate if global warming is a symptom of raising vibrations or due to human Novastar Wholesale Yet, anyone with eyes can see how life on earth is not sustainable with our constant abuse or becoming less habitable. So if humanity is only temporary, shall we just let things be? After all, we can always start again.

Are we reacting due to our belief in responsible living or are we worrying about the death of the planet and hence the extinction of humanity?

To some extent, humanity could indeed have ended the game. Didn't so many prophecies seem to suggest that we are supposed to end the game at the turn of the century? Well, we are still here, aren't we? This shows that we have decided not to end the game but to continue and play it differently. This is what the shift in human consciousness is all about but again, that is for another topic.

Now, if we do not have any intention to end the game collectively, what do we do about the pollution? I suggest we need to think about our intention behind this. Are we reacting due to our belief in responsible living or are we worrying about the death of the planet and hence the extinction of humanity?

There is actually a distinction between the two. Responsible living is driven by love. It is about knowing that everything is divine and we respect all lives and creations. As such, we minimize our impact on earth and other forms of lives that share this beautiful planet. On the other hand, the other motivation is actually driven by fear. Such a person worries illusorily about extinction and hence agrees to live more "consciously".

Remember. We are eternal souls. Humanity is only temporary in time. It doesn't mean we should not treasure this experience or do nothing. But it is nonetheless temporary. Do we wish to embrace this temporary experience in love or fear?

Let us make the most out of our human lives since the play won't last forever.

Be joyous!

Joyouschee (Ng Chee Teng) hopes to add love, light and joy to the world through Cosmic Lighthouse Metaphysics Magazine, which he co-founded with Lee.

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