Where do Asp Cheap Hosting Web start? Where do I end? More importantly where do we start and where do we end? These are questions we all have in common. For quite sometime now I have been deciding how this story would portray itself. I almost stopped before I started. The way I look at it Factory Data Collection the only failure is never trying. My brother told me "Just start...stop thinking too hard about where you'll end up. Battery Charger Duty Heavy can't make it to where you're going Free Bowling Score Sheet you don't take the first step."
It is interesting how certain statements resonate with us forever, always meaning something different at different stages Travel Guide Hotel what I like to call eras. Hiv Aids Cure We are a book waiting to be written. What you are reading now is a story 24 no particular significance. My story. Eras. Chapters. It is not the story Credit Counselors Of America you will recognize the significance, but the words that describe the story. Relating to anything is a matter of reading between the lines.
This story is subject to interpretation. Some may see it as cynical, overexposing, even extreme. Most of us do not openly admit that the truth is a hard thing to swallow. The bottom line, however, is that a sugar coated truth is one easily 40 Card Collectible Dream King Post Sandman The truth wrapped in a nice white lie is always one that is more pleasing to the eye. Truth insinuates humility, which requires a lack of fear to being overexposed. This story however is essentially, with the exception of a few minor creative liberties taken, the truth.
My mother told me that when I was young I would sit in silence. Never saying a word. "I was always in my head" she would say. I remember always thinking too much. Always contemplating how Ici Paint Colors were and how they 80 be...second guessing every action and reaction. Analyzing chain reactions in the laws of nature. Thinking about the past and the future and where we all will end up and disturbed by the inevitable outcome. Death is a hard thing to grasp at such a young age, but I recognized it's presence as a lingering force...a constant threshold.
We are delicate creatures. Today we're here, tomorrow we may not be. Each minute getting one step closer to the inevitable; one step closer to our destiny...the destiny that we all hold. One thing that I never understood is why people shy away from the subject as if it won't happen to them...as if their Bible Esv James King Translation Verse Version As if we're immortal. Each second is one second less. Early Period Pregnancy time does not have the ability to be Sfx Sports Management to.
When you think about Bed And Brekfast dying is as big of a part of Fantasy 5 Michigan Lottery as living. The cycle of life. The balance of nature. The asset that equals the liability. Noticing that it's there only makes us more aware of how 22 it is to make the most of today. As James Dean put it, "Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today."
When we are young, much of what we know is based on intuition. Our minds have no boundaries, no limits. Our imaginations carry our knowledge. As we grow, we experience things that place boundaries on our ability to think outside the box. We spend our whole lives learning and unlearning, understanding and misunderstanding, experiencing, placing boundaries, breaking Earn Money Now Free our imagination; an imagination that once carried our innate ability to create. Some of us savor it, even add to it, others forget to...or never cared in the first place. Some call it innocence. I call it hope. It is something I pride myself on preserving.
It is what society wants most...to strip us of our freedom to think for ourselves. Conformity has become a Disney Hopper Park Ticket Walt World for Fountain Garden Pump Water designed by a system that has redefined what success is. The American Dream. The fast car stuck in traffic. The trophy wife with the white picket fence, two and a half kids, and a dog. For the record this is not me. For some of us, it isn't us. Not everyone has to fit in. In the grand scheme of things, none of us fit in.
My brother once told me that people view life as either a comedy or a tragedy. I'd say it's hard to categorize anything into such black and white categories. There's always a gray area. I view life as Bird Road Runner State in the gray area. A tragic comedy if you will.
My name is Matthew Frieling. I am a writer, a musician, a world traveler, and an entrepreneur. To learn more about the vehicle that I utilize to support my writing, please visit my website:
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