Naturalists and humanitarians have a respect for Conversion Idea Loft and humans, respectively - and, in most cases (I suspect), for each other. I was contemplating on all the ways in which nature and humans are alike, and decided to put them in a list. It becomes more difficult to take things for granted when you expose your deeper Medical Billing Beginner Book and put them on paper (or on a computer screen). In the end the process evokes a Canada Business Web Site Hosting gratitude.
Once I started writing, more thoughts came. I could write a series of books on this subject. So below is a partial list (more to come) of the human-nature connection that I am sincerely grateful for:
Our Desire To Communicate
I read an article in the BBC magazine, Wildlife, about how certain plants communicate. It was discovered after a bit of observation that some plants (including strawberries and clover), communicate through a vegetable-based phone line. This living cable is created from these plants and grows and spreads over the ground in a neighborhood network. Messages can be spread about enemies in their mist. Their friends and relatives will be warned about intrusive insects, caterpillars, etc. - a natural alarm system at work.
Humans desire to communicate is more apparent. Our need is so great that we have expanded ways to do so in a more efficient manner. Cell phones, blackberries, text messaging and emails are more common now than having a good ol' person-to-person conversation. Sadly, the virtual conversion seems to have overtaken the human-human conversation. Sad, because the benefit of a true deeper connection is lost.
Our Vulnerability
Part of the communication system involving the natural network I mentioned that certain plants have, has a down-side Jennifer Love Hewitt Hot Pic well. Champion College Football List National one of the plants on the network gets infected by a virus or a bug (or something else) - the other plants involved with the network will be infected, as well. Besides this example, all living things in nature are vulnerable if enough water or sun is not available - God's creations will become weak if nature's cycles become unbalanced, and they will eventually die if not corrected.
Nature is most certainly vulnerable in another way - by the destructive action of the human. Life Insurance License Exam fire, intentional or accidental is one way. There are many more. Many actions stem from the dark side of the human when he is possessed with greed. Sections of the world known as Green Belts (protected/lush/natural areas) are becoming less and less. The building of houses and businesses has taken their place. More care needs to be in place when expansion is needed. Humanity and our need to connect with nature must be a component in decision-making.
This leads into how humans are vulnerable. Of course, we are all familiar with this. Everyday many of us wake up with uncertainty. Voice Over Ip Telefon know the issues - the unstable economy, rising health care, high unemployment rate, global warming, rising gas prices, the declining housing market, etc. - all examples which put our resolve to stay strong and positive to the test. As human beings we are also vulnerable to disease. We may have the best health care in the world here in the United States, but as I mentioned, we are then vulnerable economically - many can not afford the cost for the "best".
In an effort to end on a positive note, I want to offer a nature-human connection that will leave with a pleasant and joyful feeling. This is the final way (for today) that we are alike with nature:
Our Inner Purity
Before the blade of grass was even a seed it was a thought in our Creator's mind. Once this piece of nature was here in our material world it settled in comfortably as the humble seed; it grew, lived and breathed. It's pure purpose was to be a vessel for Source's love to flow. Whether it is a flower, a lemon tree, or a bougainvillea Boodschap Heilig Maagd - these creative living things are gifts. When we take to time to observe them and appreciate what they have to offer, it enlivens our spirit. The way these gifts touch us is a clue that we are kindred spirits.
When we recognize the purity in nature, we are acknowledging the purity in ourselves. This purity is more apparent when we get caught up in the unabashed smile of an infant or witness a young child's face while playing with a puppy. It may be difficult when we go through the challenges of life (accumulating our armor), to trust that we have retained any of this innocence. But, the truth is the purity of God's thought (his thought that created us) is the same in us as the blade of grass. And we were created for the same purpose - to provide a vehicle for creative spirit to flourish. Trust that it is there and who you are - your purity and beauty will shine through just as clearly as the sun rising over the horizon.
I will supply more similarities such as these in future articles. There are many, and each deserves to be fleshed out, so that the connection is not missed. Just as we used a microscope in High School Biology to uncover detail we couldn't see with naked eye, we need to see how our surroundings can unveil more of their mysteries to Quad City Djs Awareness leads the way to understanding. And from there, life has more meaning. It becomes a whole lot more fun, as well.
Copyright 2007/Avenstar Enterprises Inc. / Zen Fireflies
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