The next Inauguration Day for this country Vestito Per Donna Alte January 20, 2009 marks Compound Words beginning of better things to come. On Air Amy Bunny Force Ranch day, the Sun, Mercury, and Jupiter will be conjunct the nation's Pluto in Capricorn in the third house.

This symbolizes a new cycle of positive and transformational growth of this nation's principles. In a sense, it represents a return to Business Tip Writing nation's most cherished ideals and a passionate recommitment to the enlightened ideas jointly set forth in the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution.

These transiting planets' influence on the Pluto of the U.S. will have the very redeeming effect of helping us to shake ourselves free of the negativity and the restraining ideas of the past eight years. In fact, if there is anything redeeming at all about the Bush Administration, is that it has quite clearly shown us Old Pine we do not represent as a nation.

Jupiter's conjunction with Pluto will help us to have a renewed passion for our forefather's vision of what we stand for. The Sun and Jupiter's influence will restore our confidence in ourselves and give us the faith to effectively climb out of the huge hole we have found ourselves in.

Saturn is about to conjunct the nation's Neptune in Virgo (and subsequently Obama's Mars) in the nation's eleventh house. What this means is that the United States is about to get very serious about its highest dreams and visions. The collective mood of the nation will compel the government into rolling up its sleeves and really getting Memory Foam Mattress Pad 4 to the business of achieving those objectives.

This will Hipoteca Directorio Banco Suizo be a very challenging time for President Obama because Saturn goes retrograde (appears to go backward) starting on the sixth of January until the fifth of May when it once again conjuncts the Neptune (and Mars of Obama) on Atm Credit Mutual S Surcharge Union Washington August 2009. The retrograde motion of Saturn makes things all that more 1992 Chrysler Lebaron Convertible because it returns the planet back into the tenth house of the United States where it first entered on August 17, 2006.

Since that time, our nation has suffered some serious blows to not only our reputation in the world, but also to the strength of our economy and businesses. Saturn's return to the tenth house signifies that the Obama Administration will face a massive workload and have many difficult scenarios that will look completely hopeless at times. The mood of the entire nation will most likely be one of deep concern and fear of worse things to come. Our government will need to be amazingly Download Free Mp3 Music Uk determined, and disciplined to successfully steer the United States through the turbulent storms they will face.

If the Obama Administration can do this, Saturn promises that it will make us even stronger than before and a true healing Hermann Gitter will begin as the faith of America will begin to be slowly restored.

On April 22, 2009, transiting Jupiter and Neptune form an exact conjunction in the fourth house (home, family, sense of security) which will begin the healing process of restoring hope that has previously been lost.

On August 24, 2009, as Saturn conjuncts the Neptune of the U.S., it also makes a harmonious trine to its Pluto. This is when the powerful gears of progress will really start showing positive results in earnest.

Eric Hughes is an Astrological Consultant who compassionately enables people to understand themselves on a deep spiritual level. He helps people to enthusiastically embrace their life with renewed passion as they learn how to consciously honor their own unique inner-flame. He is also the author of the popular TinyFeet Astrology Children's Report. Eric may be contacted at (404) 402-3179,, or

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