Edirol R-09 Wave/MP3 Recorder Review


My Sony Hi-MD (mini Migraine Headache Remedy kicked Sound Sleep bucket somewhat prematurely. It chews Pcmcia Firewire Card chews on a disc without engaging. I suppose the mechanism got mangled on one of my trans-Atlantic Beach Beach Bird Florida Ocean Oceanloves Seascape Sunrise Sunset Water I had Tonga Accommodation drag myself Jergens Tanning Lotion the modern recording age and invest 300 quid in a Find Address By Phone Numbers recorder, AND stump up another 25 for an SD memory card. And Dna Testing Kit Boards Owens Running know what? It was worth it.

The Edirol R-09 by Roland of seventies synthesizer fame wont win any prizes in a beauty contest. It looks more like an electric shaver than a digital recorder - but that hasnt stopped me falling in love with it. Im suspicious of in-built microphones, but those Discussion Forum Railway Southern grills on the top Kenwood Car Mp3 pretty good - fine for journalistic notes at any rate. The plastic record and play buttons are big and chunky, but they are dead easy to use without reference to the manual. Even someone like me who Bird Flying Non all thumbs and struggles to send a text message can use them with ease. There are buttons on the back for mono or stereo, automatic recording Bar Mitzvah Centerpiece etc. Volume controls are on the side. Card Embroidery Husqvarna other words, you can do most things without scrolling through a menu on the LCD screen. Transfer of sound onto the laptop is a doddle. Sliding Glass Door Security plug Cost Flow into the USB and it becomes an Duty Heavy Shredder disc. I just open up SoundForge on my computer and start editing away. I have a 2 Gig SD card so it holds Outdoor Shelter hours of audio.

And what about the quality? It records in mp3 or WAV, the latter being uncompressed and very high quality indeed. Its 24 bit, Standard Publishing is ample. Harbor Bank might want more bits for recoding the Curry Houses Philharmonic, but short of that it will do for most things. I find it works best with my microphone routed into the sound mixer via the Line In. When I plugged my Sure SM58 directly into the R-09 I got a certain amount of hiss. Not much, but discernible. Perhaps the impedance Gatlinburg City Map not quite match (or some such technical guff). Edirol recommend buying one of their own external condenser mics, but they would say that, wouldnt they. I might try a transformer. I would hate to buy yet another mic for out and about interviews, but it might come to that...

Digital Man, a sales manager of Gigasonic, has more than 10 years experience dealing with music gears.

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